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The I AM! Affirmation Book and Products

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I AM! Affirmation Book, Pocket-size
I AM! Affirmation Book, Pocket-sizeSummary: A pocket size story book (3" x 4") that builds children's self-esteem and reminds them they are loved and valued so they may love and value their world. Inside full color cover: one color/blue print.
I AM! Affirmation Book, Pocket-size
Available in
English and Italian


A pocket size story book (3" x 4") that builds children's self-esteem and reminds them they are loved and valued so they may love and value their world. Inside full color cover: one color/blue print.

Regular Retail $3.95

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Quantity Discounts Available

1-11, $3.95
12-49, $3.00
500 +, $2.00

Price: $3.95 Qty:

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